Our family would like to express our heartfelt condolences to you and your family at this time. While no words can ease your loss, the memories of your extraordinary brave mother will always be a beacon of light in your life. I remember spending some time with her and having a dinner a Greek restaurant during one of her visits to the UK. I was impressed by her energy and vitality. She was kind to us, young girls at the time, sharing her words of wisdom and advice. Another time she cooked for us a delicious meal, feeding us lovely home made food that we so miss here, giving us motherly love we lacked in a foreign country, being positive full of laughter and light. Liubov is always alive in our hearts. She had an honest life, a hard life, and in her hardship she brought up two gorgeous and lovely children. I’m honoured to know Liuba, I’m grateful for your gift to me - my best friend. Sending you loads of love. The Redfern family